Thursday, January 28, 2010

Time for Change

I venture to say we're like most families. We eat relatively healthy (or do we?) and usually stay away from fast food and junk (ok, not as much as we should, but we usually eat at home). Picky kids don't help, our weekends with the kiddos tend to mean dinner revolves around what they'll eat and let's face it, I don't have time to cook a meal for each of us for dinner.

Hubby and I aren't fat, but we are heavier than we should be and we're not in shape. Mix that with a 9 month old baby boy whose about to start walking and we're about to be in major trouble! We both feel yucky, tired, sluggish, etc., and we don't like it, we're tired of being tired. We're ready for change or we just need one. As much as I know I'm going to catch grief from all members, we need to eat better which means more veggies and fruit and whole foods.

I wish we lived near a grocery store that had a large organic section, but we live in a little city and we get what's available. I'm still in search of a nearby farm where maybe I could get a few organic things, but things take time and I'll have to do more research.

We've been cutting back our meat portions for over a year. Hubby is an avid carnivore and likes his occasional steak. I guess I can give him that. I spent two years as a vegetarian before getting pregnant, but I didn't have a very healthy diet and I was concerned our son wouldn't get enough protein and so I wouldn't worry about it, I started eating meat again. I'm not sure if I'll ever go back to being vegetarian, but cutting back my meat consumption is something I'd like to do. Besides there's way more nutrition in fruits and veggies.

Most of our meals lately consist of bread, pasta and/or rice. I'm ready to try some new veggies so this is my quest and my family is along for the ride!

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